duminică, 18 mai 2014


[Times New Roman 14 point, bold, centred, and Upper Case] 

Author Name(s) [Times New Roman, 12 point, bold, centred and Upper and lower case]
Affiliation [12 point, normal, centred and upper and lower case]
City, Country [12 point, normal, centred and upper and lower case]
E-mail [12 point, italic, centred and upper and lower case]

Abstract [Times New Roman 10-point, bold, centred and upper and lower case] This template will assist you in formatting your paper. Please, copy it on your computer and insert the text keeping the format indicated………[Times New Roman 10-point, italic, upper and lower case and alignment justified]
Keywords [Times New Roman, 10-point, bold, Alignment left] Innovation, technology, research projects , ….  [Times New Roman, 10-point, normal, upper and lower case and alignment left].

1.      SECTION [Times New Roman, 12- point, bold, upper case and alignment left]

All the pages of the paper size should be 17 x 24 cm). The margins should top – 2.5 cm; bottom - 2.5 cm; left - 3.5 cm; right - 2.5 cm. All the text must be in one column format and Times New Roman must be used, including figures and tables.
1.5 spaced with 10-point interlining spacing. Leave one blank lines before the sections [Times New Roman, 12 point, normal, alignment justify, upper and lower case]

1.1  Subsections [Times New Roman, 12-point, bold, alignment left and capitalize the first letter]

The text included in the section or subsection must begin one line after the section or subsection title. Leave one blank lines (10 point) before the section title and one line before the subsection title.


The citation number of a bibliographical reference in text must be Harvard style.

One does not use footnotes to quote an author, but the “name of author” and “year of publication” format in the actual text, as follows: one author (A, 2001), two authors (A & B, 2002), or more than two authors (A et al., 2003). When one uses quotations, tables, figures, one must always mention the page number of the quoted resource (A, 2001: 75). 
The number of the table, graphic or figure will be presented in italics, before the name of the item, both aligned to the center. The name of the item will be presented in bold, using the same font as the rest of the text, and placed on the top of the table, graphic or figure. The bibliographic source (when existing) will be centered and placed below the figure, table or graphic, centered, 10pt. The font of the tables will be the same of the entire text.
A list of the references should be given at the end of the paper.

Figures, tables and graphics should be centred, numbered and accompanied by a legend. (Fig.1. Legend, Table 1. Legend)

Table 1. Name of the table

(Source: Author, 2004,  pp…..)


Please, avoid using page numbers, headers and footnotes.

 [Times New Roman, 10-point, bold, centred and capitalize the first letter]

[Times New Roman, 10-point, normal, alignment justify, upper and lower case]

Sam, J., (2008). Article Title. Journal Name , 1-10.
Sam, J.,. (2008). Book Title. Location: Publisher.
Sam, J.,. Article Title. EIRP 2009 Proceedings (pp. 1-10). Location: Publisher.
Sam, J., (2008). Web page. Retrieved from http://www.apastyle.org/elecsource.html

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